Zeit der Besinnung?

{:de}RaunächteAdvent, Wintersonnwende, Weihnachten, Silvester, Heilige Drei Könige – eine schöne Zeit, in der wir uns in unsere Häuser zurückziehen, die Gemütlichkeit genießen, Kerzen brennen, lesen, Musik hören und einfach mit unseren Geliebten zusammen sind. Oder?

{:de}14 Engel{:}{:nl}14 Engeltjes{:}{:en}14 Angels{:}

{:de}2015.12 Blog 05 - 14 angels

Do you remember the poem of the fourteen angels?

Some time ago I visited a monastery with church in Bavaria (Germany). I always visit this area as it has a magnificent surrounding with a beautiful small forrest and fields with wheat, mais and potatoes grown on it. You can make beautiful walks, listen to the birds and calm down after a stressful day. After the walk and enlighten a candle in the church I visited the small monastery shop. It is a lovely, tiny shop, with a lot of beautiful things. And there it was, a candle with a sentence on it about the fourteen angels … more…